We hope you’re enjoying the sunny weather! We have a few important notes for homeowners in the Liberty Lakes neighborhood.
The Annual Meeting for the Liberty Lakes Homeowner’s Association is scheduled for next Monday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. During this meeting, we will discuss the 2022 budget, past and upcoming projects, and identify and vote in new board members. Please be patient as we navigate a large number of people on a virtual call.
Click here to register!
Dues are LATE on March 31. If you haven’t already, send your check for $250 ASAP to LLHOA, P.O. Box 1714, Powell, OH, 43065. Please note any updates in contact information including change of ownership, phone numbers and emails.
🚨 We have received two checks with an unknown name and an address not in Liberty Lakes. Susie Holt and David Pemberton, please contact us ASAP. If you know either, please share our email address (libertylakespowell@gmail.com) and ask them to contact us immediately so payment can be accurately applied.
Getting involved with the HOA is a great way to be involved in keeping our neighborhood beautiful and get to know your neighbors. There will be several vacancies at next week’s Annual Meeting.
Those interested can be nominated by a neighbor or nominate themselves during this meeting. You must be in attendance to accept the nomination. If there are more candidates than seats available, a vote will be held at the meeting.
The commitment is one meeting a month and some additional time following up on board actions. If you have questions, you can contact any member of the board (find emails here).
We’ll see you at Annual Meeting!