Severe weather is expected this weekend and into Monday. Please move your cars off the street to allow our plow drivers to do their job properly. This is especially important in cul-de-sacs! Cars left in the streets may be plowed in or hinder proper snow removal. Thank you and enjoy the snow!
Missed trash pick-up: Leave your bins out
Rumpke informed us that they missed some homes during trash pick-up on Thursday. They said to leave your trash bin out and they will be picked up within 48 hours.
Sound Pond Update
Hey neighbors! Have you noticed the south pond is looking a little gross? A few weeks ago, the motor for the aerators gave out and our vendor informed us the item is on back order. With the shallow depth and heat the growth is always quick this time of year. Chemical applications are being completed,…
South Pond Update
A few weeks ago, the motor for the aerators gave out and it is on back order. With the shallow depth and heat the growth is always quick this time of year. Chemical applications are being completed, however, that alone will not get the job done. We hope to have this resolved soon to enjoy…
Community Reminders: Spring has arrived!
Hey neighbors! Please read the following reminders to help keep our community beautiful! THANK YOU!
NEW: Guidelines for Various Improvements
Hey neighbors! The Liberty Lakes HOA Board of Trustees approved the “Guidelines for Various Improvements.” These guidelines are meant to provide clarity to guidelines laid out in the existing Declaration of Subdivision Restrictive Covenants that often cause confusion. Our hope is these updated guidelines take the guesswork out of some decisions you need to make when considering…
Liberty Lakes HOA Updates: Please read!
Hey, neighbors! We held our Annual Meeting on Wednesday, February 28 and shared updates with attendees. You can check out the slides presented here. We have a few updates and reminders to share: • Annual Dues: $400 in annual dues is due today (March 1) and will be late on March 30 (and assessed a…
REMINDER: Annual Meeting Wednesday February 28th 7pm
Hey, neighbors! This is a friendly reminder that the Lakes Homeowners Association Annual Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 28 at 7:00pm at Liberty Township Hall (7802 Liberty Rd N, Powell). During this meeting, we will discuss the 2024 budget, projects and identify and vote in new Board members. Board members are very much…
Annual Meeting Feb. 28 & Dues are Due March 1
Hey, neighbors! This is a friendly reminder that the Lakes Homeowners Association Annual Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 28 at 7:00pm at Liberty Township Hall (7802 Liberty Rd N, Powell). During this meeting, we will discuss the 2024 budget, projects and identify and vote in new Board members. Board members are very much…
Big News for Liberty Lakes – Liberty Road Bike Path Paving
Monday night, the Liberty Township Trustees voted to approve accepting a grant of $14,671 from the Delaware County Commissioners Trails Fund. The grant is to pave the gravel path between Salisbury Roundabout and the intersection of Torrington/Liberty. The County Engineers office is reviewing a quote for the paving, and the goal would be to have…