Liberty Lakes Homeowners Association Minutes
August 9, 2016
Tyler Run Shelter House
6:00-6:30 p.m.
Present: Susan Hayes, Brenden Gallagher, Jeff Smith, Sam Kocher, Lyna Smith, and Bill Carman
Absent: Amanda Compton
Topics of Discussion
Budget and Assessments: Treasurer’s Report provided. There are several high billings still outstanding for the year such as landscaping, tree watering and fence power washing. We are still doing well though with the reserve met. Two homes remain unpaid and Susan Hayes will place liens. Additional costs of the lien filing will be added to their assessments.
Approvals: None.
Social: None.
Landscape: Power-washing fence was bid and went to Providence Service Group. They just recently started the clean up. There is a dead pine tree along Salisbury that will be removed by Davey Tree Services but the tree will not be replaced. Jeff Smith has trimmed the remaining trees and bushes affecting the fencing. Water bags were set and watering commenced in July. Additional discussion of lawn maintenance issues.
Lakes: Amanda Compton had indicted through e-mail that the timer on the fountain needed replaced. That has been done but the fountain continued intermittent outages. The lakes have looked pretty good considering the very hot weather.
Website: Minutes will be updated to website shortly.
New Business: Committee suggested to review the covenants that are up for renewal this year to suggest any proposed changes. Any changes would have to receive a vote of 2/3 of the property owner members.
Next meeting: The next meeting will be 9/20/2016 at 6:30 p.m. at Tyler Run Shelter.