Liberty Lakes Homeowners Association Minutes
Date: March 9, 2016
Place: Flyer’s Pizza Community Room
Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Present: Susan Hayes, Jeff Smith, Bill Carman, Sam Kocher, Kerry Daly
Absent: Amanda Compton, Tracy Halker, Brenden Gallagher
Topics of Discussion
Budget and Assessments: Budget and Assessment are considered private matters for homeowners. Homeowner’s may request this information from the board.
Approvals: None.
Social: Easter Egg Hunt will be on the 20th unless weather is a problem Tracy Halker will get sign boards to advertise and take care of set-up. It is usually well received,
Landscape: Hidden Creeks will be billing monthly for services this year. Discussion of mulching : too much mulching around the Salisbury trees. Some investigation of the irrigation system at the entrance needs to be done.
Lakes: Fountain and bubblers placed back in pond and activated by Aquadocs.
Website: None.
New Business: Tracy Halker and Susan Hayes expressed interest in going off the board, having served their 3 year term. Lyna Smith volunteered to consider becoming a board member and will attend the next scheduled meeting. Concern over storage pods being in driveways too long and garbage cans left out too long. Roundabout at Jewett and Liberty was also discussed
Old Business: Annual meeting notices and invoices went out as scheduled. P.O. Box will be checked after April 1, 2016 for any needed late assessments. EPCON proposal and status discussed at the full annual meeting.