Liberty Lakes Homeowners Association Minutes
January 12, 2016
Flyer’s Pizza Community Room
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Present: Susan Hayes, Jeff Smith, Bill Carman, Amanda Compton, Brenden Gallagher
Absent: Sam Kocher, Tracy Halker, Kerry Daly
Topics of Discussion
Budget and Assessments: Treasurer not present but draft of annual budget was reviewed. There are a couple changes that need to go into the final draft and will be taken care of prior to submission with annual meeting notice.
Approvals: 3485 Brockton Court driveway extension was approved.
3291 Brentwood Drive—cedar fence request denied. Request to change to aluminum black. (Ultimately approved with this change).
Social: No discussion
Landscape: Paths plowed today and will be plowed if significant enough snow is covering throughout the winter.
Lakes: Confirmation that bubblers turned off for the winter.
Website: It was suggested that posts to the website have some method of approval: It was approved that if both Co-Chairs approve then the matter will be posted. There was concern over whether the method of posting was too subjective.
New Business: Annual Meeting notice will go out after receipt of the budget and letter from Jeff Smith along with a listing of accomplishments. Kerry Daly will provide the envelopes, mailing list and stamps and Susan Hayes will see that the annual meeting notice, invoices, budget and letter are mailed out. She will also put up the signs throughout the neighborhood. There is still a need for new people to fill roles on the board, as members will be going off soon.
Old Business: None
Next meeting: The next meeting will be prior to the annual meeting scheduled for 3/9/2016 at 6:30 (with annual meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m.) Pizza and soda will be provided.